Oh, sorry, wrong opening...
Greetings Komerades!
Here's another battle report for Outrider November. This one will be a little less detailed, because I actually remember to take pictures every round.
This game was played against the Retribution of Scyrah.
The armies:
Obavnik Kommander Zerkova and Reaver Guard(*4points)* Marauder(7points) (2015 League Model)*
Greylord Outriders(9points)(5models)
Greylord Ternion(4points)(3models)
Great Bears of Gallowswood(5points)(3models)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt(4points)(3models)
* Koldun Kapitan Valachev(2points)
Kayazy Eliminators(3points)(2models)
Man-o-war Drakhun(5points)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution(3points)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator(1points)
*During this game, the Marauder had the following abilities:
Raging Boiler – This model gains
Follow Up. (When a model with
Follow Up slams an enemy model,
immediately after the slam is resolved
the model with Follow Up can advance
directly toward the slammed model
up to the distance the slammed model
was moved.)
Piston Spikes – This model gains
Finisher. (A model with Finisher gains
an additional die on damage rolls
against damaged models.)
Arctic Aura – This model gains
Immunity: Cold and Absolute Zero.
(Enemy models within 5″ of a model
with Absolute Zero suffer –2 DEF.)Retribution of Scyrah:
Adeptis Rahn(*6points)* Chimera(6points)
* Phoenix(10points)
House Shyeel Battle Mages(5points)(6models)
Dawnguard Sentinels(9points)(13models)
* Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard(2points)
* Griffon(4points)
Mage Hunter Strike Force(8points)(11models)
* Strike Force Commander(2points)
Stormfall Archers(5points)(4models)
Mage Hunter Assassin(2points)
Mage Hunter Assassin(2points)
Incursion - Steamroller 2015The Game:
Ret won the roll, and chose their side, leaving me to deploy and go first. Here are two pictures of the Khador, then Ret deployment (after A/D).
Khador Deployment:
Retribution of Scyrah Depolyment:
I unpacked my army, for the most part. Everything moves up. Z puts Banishing Ward on the Outriders, and TM on one Eliminator.
Ret Turn 1:
He unpacks his army as well and puts up a few buffs. He kills some Widowmakers with his MGSF, and now they're out of command.
Khador Turn 2:
I smell Feat turn! I run a bunch of greylords to get them into position. Eliminators as well. The widowmakers advance. The leader take a shot, and the out-of-command grunt runs to be exactly 9" away from Z.
Z charges it, pops feat, and does all the Zerkova2 good stuff, holding her own feat spell until some of the dust has settled, finally dropping a Hoarfrost on the Chimera, since his MHA was nice enough to die to a random greylord spray. All totaled, the feat kills a bunch of battlemages and MHSF (though not enough for my tastes).
In keeping with KGB of the month, Outriders did exactly what they were supposed to here: Deliver 3d6 ice shotguns.
Remaining Greylords put up clouds for cover, and Fenris runs to block LoS. Right flank repositions. Eiryss being afraid of the remaining MHA, the Drakhun stays to guard her.
Ret Turn 2:
He's reeling from the punches, but still gets quite a bit done. The Chimera runs deep into my lines, eating a greylord freestrike. Big deal. The Phoenix charges in, and uses Combustion. It kills a Ternion, and my TM Eliminator, but can't clear the Outrider engaging him! The Battle Mages take care of that, though.
Rahn Activates, pops feat, Arcs a TK into the Chimera to free it up, and then Arcs a Force Blast through the Chimera to push Zerkova a bit closer to the MHSF.
MHSF take shots, dropping Zerkova to 4hp!
Dawnguard come after my Outriders, and a Doom Guard manages to protect one, by counter-charging a dawnguard.
Khador Turn 3:
Zerkova decides to GTFO! She allocates 2 focus to the Marauder.
The Marauder charges and comboslams the chimera back, using follow-up to get up the field. It dies to the combo slam, though, so The Marauder's second focus is useless!
Zerkova puts up Occult Whispers and reatreats to the forest as far as possible, taking her Doom Guards with her.
A+H Kiss the Phoenix and take out some Battlemages, respectively. Greatbears then unceremoniously tear the Myrmidon to shreds. With both arcnodes down, I'm feeling okay about my chances of survival.
Outriders polish off the remaining MHSF, and Fenris tries some ride by shenangans, but can't clear the Dawnguard over the wall with 2 attacks, so he's left out of position (I was hoping to get him onto the flag).
Reinholdt runs to the central flag. The Drakhun runs to the outside flag.
Khador 2; Retribution of Scyrah 0
Ret turn 3:
Dawnguard unseat Fenris with Vengence attacks. Rahn TK's the dawnguard closer to Z. MHA kills Fenris, Dawnguard pronto the Griffon, then charge my doom guards, killing them.
The Griffon walks up to Zerkova, and slaps the evil grin off her face thanks to 'jack marshall boosting his attack roll.
My opponent rolls exactly enough to kill her on damage.
If I hadn't mistakenly allocated too many focus to my Marauder the turn before, like a chump. I would have survived! That would have led to easily capping the remaining control points I would have needed to win the game. I'm so upset!
Lesson learned, I suppose.
Retribution of Scyrah wins by Assassination victory!
Khador 4; Retribution of Scyrah 0