Friday, November 30, 2012

The Butcher of Khardov

So, a while ago I promised myself that if we ever did another Journeyman league for Warmachine, I'd slow-grow the eButcher Tier list.

Here's a couple shots of my painted eButcher model (compliments of Waffle):

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Here we go again.  I'm a hater I know but you're here, so you must want to hear what I have to say about LoZ:SS.

So I beat Skyward Sword last night.  I think that it would probably be one of my favorite Zelda games of all time.  I would throw it right up there with Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening.  It's not quite Ocarina quality, but then... What is?  You'll notice the key words in those sentences: "would".  Unfortunately, Skyward Sword gets neither of these commendations in my book.  Why? The controls.  They sucked so bad it brought the entire experience of the game crumbling down.

Somewhere near the middle of the ending, Link places the Master Sword in a pedestal (a la Ocarina).  All I could think the entire time this was about to happen: "Please oh please don't make me do the stupid thing with the Wii Remote just to get him to thrust the sword into the ground like I had to through the game."  This really saddens me, because the game was having what I would refer to as 'a moment'.  But all I could think of was how much I hated the controls.

Hero Mode? Yea, fuck that noise!

Want me to break it down further? Sure.

Bug Net - Should never have been one of the game's major equipment items. But alas.  Anyway, you swing it like the sword.  When ever other equipment can be quickly put away by swinging the Remote to draw your sword and this cannot. It caused more than one hiccup in the game.
Beetle - It would have been cool to see link walking around with the medieval equivalent of the Nikita.  But it was so uncontrollable at times, I would go out of my way to not have to use it.
Clawshots - Worse than the Twilight princess version.  After that awesome item, how can you expect me to go back, Nintendo?
Bombs - A staple of Terrorist Link's item bag since day one.  However, they suffer from having to use the crappy Wii Remote controls of throwing and rolling. Terrible! Take a lap!

You know what? No. Forget it. I can't even go through the rest of the items. I'm too pissed. If you really wanna hear me hate some more on your own time, email me. Or maybe I'll come back to this after the Remlit wounds aren't so fresh...